Your Spiritual Gifts, Intuition & Mediumship in ONE CLASS
Choose what works for you!
Join me in-person or on Zoom for the LIVE Spiritual Gifts, Intuition & Mediumship class to further your skills!
Or, Grab the Recorded Class below!
Classes are conducted online or in person
(Stoughton, WI).

April 19th, 2025
10:30 am - 6 pm CT

October 17th, 2025
10:30 am - 6 pm CT
Not able to make a Live class? No worries!
Get Recorded Class here!Courses To Heighten Your Spiritual Gifts!
Mini Courses, Meditations & Techniques
Join Me In Your Spiritual Gifts, Intuition & Mediumship class!
- Do you wonder if you're following your Intuition?
- Seeing Spirit Signs such Angel Numbers or Spirit Animals?
- Had Intuitive Hits or "just known?"
- Have you seen orbs, flashes or had lucid dreaming?
- Do you get the chills or "truth bumps?"
- Do you feel emotions of others?
If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then you have Spiritual Gifts! Unsure if you've experienced these? Through this ONE CLASS, learn how to facilitate & use Your Spiritual Gifts to Connect with Spirit & amplify your Intuition.
Upon completion receive your Intuitive Healer & Mediumship CERTIFICATION to practice as an Intuitive Healer & Professional Medium.
See below for everything you get from this class!
Dear Spiritual Seeker,
I believe in Synchronicity & feel our paths crossed for a reason. Congratulations on following your Intuition here! I believe in YOU! I believe your Spiritual Gifts can be Heightened to have more clarity with Spirit & Higher Consciousness communication.
Learn how to fully Enhance Your Spiritual Senses & Integrate Higher Spiritual Communication & Intuitive Wisdom.
Following class, receive Assignments to perform on your own, & Join us for a FOLLOWUP Q & A a month later.
Are you ready?? Excited to witness your Spiritual gifts transpire!
SEE BELOW for everything you get from this ONE CLASS to access your Spiritual Gifts, Intuition, & Mediumship!
Not able to make a Live class? No worries!
Courses To Heighten Your Spiritual Gifts!
Mini Courses, Meditations & TechniquesYour Clairs, Discernment & Using the Elements
Start your Spiritual Gift Journey with Discernment of what is Yours & what is Others. Are you an Empath? If so, you can FEEL others' energies, emotions, & moods. With this incredible Gift, you are most likely picking up Energies of both People & Spirit. Through Protection/Discernment Techniques, gain increased understanding of Knowing the Difference.
Your Spiritual Senses are also known as "Clairs." This is how you take in information from the Spirit Realm. Through experiential & interactive activities, learn your Spiritual Gifts, how to use them, & what your unique "CLAIR FORMULA" is.
The Elements are Spiritual Tools to assist you to access your Spiritual & Intuition Gifts. The Elements amplify your connection with Spirit. Also learn the preferences of the Elements that Your Loved Ones in Spirit prefer.
Want to know your Guides? Through the Activation Guided Meditation, meet your Spirit Animal, A Loved One in Spirit, & Your Main Guide. Your Main Guide has been with you since birth. The strong voice or impulse to take action you may have experienced is Your Main Guide.
Knowing your Main Guide & also learning how to utilize these powerful tools of Protection/Discernment Techniques, The Clairs, & The Elements, further assists you to have increased Clarity & Connection to Spirit.
Your Heightened Clairs, Delivering Messages, Pendulum, Automatic Writing & Psychometry
As we move through the course, learn your Heighten Clairs, how to utilize them, & how to pick up Spiritual & Intuitive information with your gifts.
Curious how to deliver messages? Learn how to interpret & share Spiritual information with others.
Modalities for increased Spiritual Communication are important tools to bridge the Spiritual World. Learn how to Pendulum & perform Automatic Writing in order to receive pertinent Spiritual Information.
Psychometry allows you to "read objects." Have you ever entered a room & felt deja vu? This is your psychometry. Honing your Psychometry helps you to understand energies of objects & to elevate your Psychic Skills.
Curious about Your Guardian Angel & other Guides? Meet your Guardian Angel, Joy Guide & Dr. Guide with the Heigthened Clairs. Your Guardian Angel keeps you safe & offers you Unconditional Love.
Your Joy Guide allows for you to be in Higher Vibration emotions in order to access Spirit's knowledge.
Your Dr. Guide assists you to obtain medical intuition. Your Dr. Guide assists you to scan the body systems & bring forward remedies to assist the Healing process.
Medical Intuition, Auras & Mediumship with Loved Ones
Do you sense when others are not feeling well? Learn more about your Clairtacilus, Clairkinetic, & Clairempathic abilities to increase your Medical Intuition.
Through these Highest Clairs, we can pick up on medical conditions, access Loved Ones in Spirit, & utilize your "Emotional Radar" to learn discernment.
Ready to read & evaluate Auras? Your Auric Layers give a plethora of information about mood, personality & medical conditions. Learning how to read Auras further assists you to obtain necessary information on Physical, Emotional, Mental, & Spiritual Levels.
That's right! JOIN US FOR A FREE FOLLOWUP after class.
Receive Mediumship & Intuition assignments to perform on your own & Join us for a follow up Mediumship & Intuition Q & A Zoom a month after. Upon completion of the Mediumship & Intuition course, you'll receive the official Mediumship & Intuition Class Certification to practice as a Professional Medium & Intuitive Healer.
Not able to make a Live class? No worries!
Courses To Heighten Your Spiritual Gifts!
Mini Courses, Meditations & Techniques
VIPs don't forget to use your special code
Upon sign up, you'll receive further instructions for your class! Your Guides are ecstatic to meet you & I am elated to teach you this ancient art of enhancing your Spiritual Gifts!
Much Light, Love, & Blessings,
Psychology, B.A., Master's OTR/L
Medium & Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master Teacher,
Certified Brainspotting Consultant
Not able to make a Live class? No worries!
Courses To Heighten Your Spiritual Gifts!
Mini Courses, Meditations & Techniques