Day 4 of The 5 Day Challenge

Excel Your Spiritual Gifts with the VIP Program!

Welcome to Raise Your Vibration DAY 4 of the 5 Day Challenge for Heightening Your Spiritual Connection! 

Welcome to DAY 4 of the 5 Day Challenge for Heightening Your Spiritual Connection! It was so incredible to witness you all embracing Self-Love. I hope the Loving Treatment & Affirmations of Self-Essence resonated with you. It has truly been an honor to witness as you have opened up more to your Spiritual Connection. Today, we have the opportunity to experience Raising Your Vibration.
First, I have a few questions for you.
  • Have you ever experienced your “ears ringing?”
  • Have you seen or heard signs or messages from the Spiritual Realm?

Raise Your Vibration Day 4

Spiritual Advancement

Have you felt a longing for connecting with Spirit on a deeper level?

It is important to recognize that the Spiritual Realm is vibrating at a much higher frequency than we are. In order to gain communication to the Spiritual Realm, we need to Raise our Vibration. As we Raise in our Vibration, we are better able to hear & interpret messages from our Loved Ones in Spirit.

Join us today as we experience a few simple ways to Raise our Vibration.


Your Calls to Action:

1. Experience Full & Delightful Laughter.
2. Witness Joy by watching your Family, nature, being in stillness, or another mode. 
Heighten Spiritual Connection Facebook Group
3. Share your experiences with the group, my business page, Instagram & YouTube for prizes!
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I am very excited to see what you experience! Are you ready to take Your Spiritual Journey a Step Further?? I would LOVE to extend these opportunities to you!

Are you ready to take Your Spiritual Journey a Step Further??

I would LOVE to extend these opportunities to you!

So much Light, Love, & So Many Blessings to you on your Spiritual Journey,
Heather Corbet, Medium & Spiritual Advisor

Excel Your Spiritual Gifts Join the VIP Program!

Get started in the VIP Program now and pave the way to embracing your spiritual future. The opportunity is right here, right now... You just need to take it.

"A dear friend referred Heather to me. I went in for my first ever Mediumship reading & was so overcome by her Love, accuracy, & generosity. I then took the next step into her Spiritual Advising group. I cannot express enough how much she has helped me through. For the last 18 years, I have lived a very difficult life. I feel like everything that could go wrong, did go wrong, from major illnesses, divorces, around 28 pills or medications a day... I was at the end of my rope. I wanted to give up. My depression was very deep. Heather has changed my & my childrenā€™s lives. I see the Joy in life again. Her guidance & support has truly been a blessing. I am so blessed to have beautiful Heather by my side through this amazing journey."

VIP Program

"I am a part of Heather Corbetā€™s VIp program & I cannot say enough positive things about this amazingly safe space. While being a part of this group, I have had more than one opportunity to have more individual time with Heather. She has spent time replying to each & every comment & concern I have had & guided me into a more positive light each time we talked. Before becoming a part of the VIP group, I was truly struggling with my True Self & my place in the Universe. I was having a hard time trusting in the Universe & was being way too hard on myself, pushing myself to always be perfect & do more. After joining the VIP group & reading through the workbooks that Heather provides, I was tested & pushed to my limits to really think outside of my comfort zone & look at my True Self. During our weekly Zoom calls, Heather opened my eyes to the signs I had been missing & really put my life into perspective for me, as I had been blind to so much. The group in itself is amazingly supportive, & you get an instant feeling of safety & trust in each member. Everyone, despite the fact of never meeting any of them in person, has been friendly, understanding, & offered advice when needed & support even when I wasnā€™t aware I needed it. Heather is extremely generous & her list of freebies on the Kajabi website were so helpful & put me on a brighter path that I was excited to continue. I cannot thank Heather enough for everything she has done for me, & continues to do on a daily basis. Her bubbly personality is warm & you cannot help but love her! She is my absolute favorite to work with! Thank you, Heather!"

Brandie Baird
VIP Student

""Heather is an Amazing healer & channel of Spirit! I love her authenticity & unconditional Love. I can feel how open her heart is towards me & how easily I am opening to myself during the healing process with her. Since I've taken the Mediumship classes, my life has not been the same. I am more in tune with myself & I am more open to hearing my intuition. I am more at peace with who I am. This class made me realize that what I thought all of my life about myself of being broke or weird or not ok, are actually my precious gifts that I need to treasure, love & develop. It literally changed my life for the better!""

Silvia Hantea
VIP Program, Mediumship Course

"Erin Stabile I have been a part of the VIP Group, spiritual advising, mediumship and Reiki courses. The VIP group has really helped to grow my spiritual abilities. We work on various areas each week, we have the support of the group and especially Heather. My life has changed in so many ways. I have a positive outlook on life, I'm excited for the future that includes spiritual gifts and helping others. No one would regret this amazing course. "

Erin Stabile
VIP Student

"When it comes to working with a spiritual counselor or choosing a psychic medium, it truly is a very personal thing. There must be a genuine level of trust & vulnerability. I immediately felt that upon meeting Heather. She makes it so easy to feel comfortable & safe during a reading. Our readings have been amazing! She was able to connect me with my Loved Ones in Spirit, such a special gift!!! During my Past Life Reading with Heather she helped me clear & heal old traumas. It was unbelievable. I felt completely safe & loved the entire time. Heather has been an absolute blessing in my life & it is an honor to know her. "

Angelica Tapia, Spiritual Life Coach
Spiritual Advisor

"I love the VIP group. It is such a supportive environment. It is so much fun to participate in the weekly Zoom meetings as we discuss each topic & Heather shares insights from Spirit. The more that we share in the group, the more we seem to amp up our gifts! "

Paulette Little
VIP Program

""I am so very blessed to have Heather Corbet as my mentor. The unconditional Love that I feel from Heather has helped me come to new understandings in myself. Since I met her, my life has transformed. She is an incredible support, & her classes have given me the confidence in my own Gifts to step forward as a Medium. She has helped me connect with Loved Ones & Spirit Guides through her visionary channeled meditations, & taught me how to continue that close connection with them." "

Annalisa Moses
Spiritual Advising

50% Complete

Two Step

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