Can you Fathom the Vastness?

retreat Apr 26, 2019

Have you ever considered the vastness of where your life will lead? You have the capability to create the life you desire. You have what it takes to step into alignment with your dreams & your visions.

Recently, I was reflecting on several of my Leaps of Faith over the last year. One that especially stood out was moving across the country with my husband, son, 2 dogs, & our cat. I KNEW it was meant to be. I knew when we made the decision that this was what was necessary for our family to move forward on our life paths.

Yet, in the beginning… it was hard. Things didn’t always work out exactly how I anticipated. I was separated from my family for 6 weeks. Our lives were an upheaval of activity & of supporting each other in every way we can. Our lives were a true test of Living in Faith.

With this Leap of Faith, I knew it was right. I knew we would thrive in a bustling community close to our family. I knew everything necessary would fall into place. Yet, I questioned. Yet, I wondered. With your own Leap of Faith, or perhaps in your daily life, do you ever wonder? Do you ever feel something so “Right,” yet still question it?

Yep, me too. Yet, I know, this is just my brain’s way of keeping me safe. My brain is truly a logical & systematic entity & I am truly grateful for it.

Yet, it is times like these when precision of selling our home (which sold in the first showing), securing a job (with better hours, better pay, & more flexibility than we could ever imagine), & buying a home on the other side (that is my dream home), that I questioned. I wondered, I wondered if we needed more of “something” to take this Leap of Faith. I wondered how we were going to do it. My mantra became, “On a wing & a prayer.” So, we did it. Pieces fell into place, and Spirit HAD OUR BACK.

How did I know this? Because as SOON as we stepped forward, Spirit showed up. As SOON as you take action, the money drops in. As SOON as you decide, more opportunities begin presenting themselves. It happens Every Time. I swear to you, every time you step forward, every time you take a Leap of Faith, every time you take action, Spirit has GOT YOU.

So, the questions will come. The “What ifs” may creep in. Yet, you still need to move forward. You still need to meet Spirit with that Faith which fueled you to begin with. When the questions come in, or when a seeming “obstacle” presents itself, these are the perfect times to Keep Going. These are the perfect times to take action & Move Forward. These are the perfect times to say your favorite mantra.

Spirit has GOT YOU. It is time to take action. I would love to support you. I would Love to encourage you. Check out the video of “You Can’t Fathom the Vastness” from my YouTube channel. Be sure to like the channel!

Check out the video below at 8:00 where I explain the brain’s functioning. If you want a quick recap, check out 26:00 & hear more about why it’s important to Have FAITH.

Are you read to take a Leap of Faith?? Are you ready to witness the Vastness of YOUR SPIRITUAL PATH? Here are a few opportunities coming up for YOU. 

Have you ever felt you were a Healer? Have you had questions about learning Reiki? This Healing modality has changed my life & I would love to ensure as many people as possible learn this Healing art. I have a special class coming up for those who can’t attend the weekends on Tuesday, May 7thin the afternoon. Is this a prime time for YOU?

I would ALSO Love to invite you to the Epic NEW YORK RETREAT that is happening August 7ththrough 11th.

I would love to assist you with your Leap of Faith. I would love to help you to walk forward so you can truly Align to your Spiritual Path with other Spiritual Seekers. Hey, if I can move across the country, snag my dream home, & continue my thriving Spiritual Business, I KNOW you can do whatever you put your mind to also.


Take that Leap. Spirit supports you fully.

Check out the video of You can’t Fathom the Vastness!

Looking forward to witnessing YOUR LEAP. Feel free to reply to this email with any questions.

Much Light, Love, & FAITH, Heather Corbet, Medium & Spiritual Advisor

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